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This personal waterfall shows you all of Amyburton's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

I think it is wrong to deny the Brazilian Government of the development of their land, but I belive they should develop it in a different day. There is of course many different groups included in the debate over the rainforest, so surely it is in everyones best intrest to co-operate and decide together. Include everyones ideas and belifes and make a better decision. Just hacking at the rainforest, contributing to global warming, killing species of plants and animals is definatly not the way to do things.

I think they should turn the rainforest into a nature reserve. That would meet everyones best intrests. The government would make money from tourists, the amazon would be safe, plants and animals could live on, Kayapo Indians could take guided tours and keep their land. The farmers could even make money working in gift shops, cafes and many other things.

The one way the problem will be properly sorted is if everyone puts their ideas together and think of a better solution.

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